_A back-of-envelope says we need to br

"A back-of-envelope says we need to bring the cost of energy storage do...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2014-02-27 11:03:05+0000 - Updated: 2014-02-27 11:03:05+0000
"A back-of-envelope says we need to bring the cost of energy storage down by another factor of 10 in order to make grid-scale storage cheap enough to displace most fossil use for electricity.  On current trend, it looks like we'll be there in the next 15-20 years.
Ultimately, there's more than enough clean energy to power the world with zero carbon emissions. And it sure looks like we'll be able to store it."
Originally shared by Wayne RadinskyMany still don't realize there is a fairly well established exponential price reduction in the cost of energy storage, apparently due to efficiency from scaling up manufacturing. "Over this 15 year period, the amount of energy you could store for $100 went up by a factor of 11."

Energy Storage Gets Exponentially Cheaper Too | Ramez Naam

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