
Google+ post
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2011-11-26 18:01:28+0000 - Updated: 2011-11-26 18:01:28+0000
Originally shared by Allison SekulerCuriosity: Anatomy of a Mars Rover

Wonderful infographic from New Scientist

Curiosity is set to launch in a few hours (just after 10 am EST Saturday morning), with a plan of landing in the Gale Crater on Mars in August 2012. With Curiosity's built-in geoChemistry lab (SAM - Sample Analysis at Mars), we may get more answers about whether (microbial) life would have been sustainable on Mars.

More about SAM and the Curiosity mission in this wonderful short video from NASA:

And you can follow the launch at #NASAtweetup featuring G+ers +Marta Rauch , +Karyn Traphagen , and +Mark Traphagen among others.Image
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