Every few days at the moment I re-read_

Every few days at the moment I re-read this blog post and my jaw drops every ...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2013-04-30 12:31:03+0000 - Updated: 2013-04-30 12:31:03+0000
Every few days at the moment I re-read this blog post and my jaw drops every single time. This is huge.

John Resig - Asm.js: The JavaScript Compile Target

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Soren Renner - 2013-04-30 19:21:42+0000
It does tend to "blow" one's "mind", as we used to say back in what we used to refer to as "the day"
Tim Hutton - 2013-05-02 21:55:02+0000
Now here's the Unreal demo itself. It runs on my laptop in current Firefox at 30fps. This is really impressive.
David Moore - 2013-05-04 01:03:25+0000
Haha, I just saw that and thought to post it here. Unreal Engine 3 in Firefox with asm.js (vid)

This post was originally on Google+