I_ve just dusted a wasp_s nest that had

I've just dusted a wasp's nest that had established itself inside the...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2013-08-16 20:27:13+0000 - Updated: 2013-08-16 20:27:27+0000
I've just dusted a wasp's nest that had established itself inside the wall under one of our windows. They were pissed. I watched them through the window. I have never seen such primal rage as this hive organism searching for someone to attack in revenge. They battered against the glass. I could hear them through the plasterboard - I hope they don't chew their way through. It was genuinely scary to be so close watching them.
(Creative Commons image: http://www.dalswildlifesite.com/childrennature8wasps2.htm)
I've just dusted a wasp's nest that had established itself inside the wall under one of our windows. They were pissed. I watched them through the window. I have never seen such primal rage as this hive organism searching for someone to attack in revenge. They battered against the glass. I could hear them through the plasterboard - I hope they don't chew their way through. It was genuinely scary to be so close watching them.

(Creative Commons image: http://www.dalswildlifesite.com/childrennature8wasps2.htm)

I've just dusted a wasp's nest that had established itself inside the wall under one of our windows. They were pissed. I watched them through the window. I have never seen such primal rage as this hive organism searching for someone to attack in revenge. They battered against the glass. I could hear them through the plasterboard - I hope they don't chew their way through. It was genuinely scary to be so close watching them. (Creative Commons image: http://www.dalswildlifesite.com/childrennature8wasps2.htm)

Shared with: Public, David Basanta
Reshared by: Paul Gray
Jochen Fromm - 2013-08-17 00:35:21+0000
+David Basanta you had a wasp nest, too, right? What happened to your nest?
David Basanta - 2013-08-17 03:32:48+0000
Even Florida can get cold in the winter! Wasps usually die or disappear around November
Paul Gray - 2013-08-17 20:30:50+0000
"I've just dusted a wasp's nest "  Hmmm

Adding dusting wasp's next to my bucket list - thank you as I would never of thought of that one.

   You may even be the first person in the entire human history to of ever done that, is what I'm wondering now.
Tim Hutton - 2013-08-19 22:39:23+0000
I think watching Phase IV as a kid had a big impression on me.
Tim Hutton - 2013-09-04 12:49:30+0000 - Updated: 2013-09-06 11:28:30+0000
Wasp nest update: There was a second phase! After killing the nest with the poison dust we plugged up the outside holes and left it. All was quiet until about a week later we noticed 10 dead wasps inside the room. The eggs in the nest must have hatched and then the baby wasps, finding themselves surrounded by dead parents and desolation, chewed through the plasterboard looking for revenge. More dusting (from the inside this time) and it has all gone quiet again. For now.

This post was originally on Google+