In March I_ll be working at IAS in Prin

In March I'll be working at IAS in Princeton for 11 days. And a bit later...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2014-02-14 17:05:31+0000 - Updated: 2014-02-14 17:05:31+0000
In March I'll be working at IAS in Princeton for 11 days. And a bit later visiting Microsoft Research in Cambridge. I never knew job-hunting could be this much fun!

Visitors | Institute for Advanced Study

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Paul Gray - 2014-02-14 18:35:10+0000
Can bet there Cambridge site better located than the one in Reading I had dealing with in the 90's.  Note if you ever see the term "Science Park" used in an address then it is in the middle of nowhere, however they spell it.

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