One of my formative memories is being t

One of my formative memories is being taken up Catbells as a young child. A r...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2014-06-12 09:27:05+0000 - Updated: 2014-07-07 13:59:51+0000
One of my formative memories is being taken up Catbells as a young child. A real mountain! As you walk up a particularly terrifying bit there is a plaque. It has a quote which I've just learnt is from an 1868 hymn by the American poet Lucy Larcom. The hymn starts like this:

"I said it in the meadow-path,
I say it on the mountain-stairs ;
The best things any mortal hath
Are those which every mortal shares."

The plaque only quotes the last two lines of that but I can see now that it is very appropriate to place it on some "mountain-stairs"!

Full text: (you'll need to search for the words)

Catbells - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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