This is long overdue. Also for young ki

This is long overdue. Also for young kids' clothes. When my daughter want...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2014-06-27 14:58:46+0000 - Updated: 2014-06-27 14:58:46+0000
This is long overdue. Also for young kids' clothes. When my daughter wants a blue t-shirt we shouldn't have to go in the "boys'" section to get one.

Stop shops sorting toys by gender, says equalities minister

Shared with: Public, Liz Quilty
Reshared by: Nick Holder, Ralph H.
Paul Gray - 2014-06-27 15:08:42+0000
Not just that it is things and other sayings that get installed at youth that propagate too wrongness.  Like the term "your throw like a girl" or "man up".  You never hear "You throw like a man" or "women up".  

So yes - this is a step in the right direction.

+Liz Quilty Good news, sanity lives

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