Found this on youtube. Interesting but_

Found this on youtube. Interesting but is it a pure CA or is there a global c...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2012-04-11 21:21:19+0000 - Updated: 2012-04-11 21:21:19+0000
Found this on youtube. Interesting but is it a pure CA or is there a global controller?

Cellular Automaton example: Self reproducing 'cells' defined by a primitive 'DNA-like' code. Copyright 2011 Citta Consulting Inc.

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Hiroki Sayama - 2012-04-12 22:23:19+0000
Seems like a pure local CA. Love to see they used techniques similar to evoloops to remove dead structures :)
Tim Hutton - 2012-04-13 08:07:33+0000
Yes. Looking more closely I can see a white spot in the red sheath that seems to spawn the dark blue lines that form the skeleton of offspring, so it does look like a pure CA. Here's the guy's profile:
He doesn't seem to have published anything on it.

This post was originally on Google+