A reciprocating structure, analysed in_

A reciprocating structure, analysed in 1695 by John Wallis. Come to our works...
Tim HuttonTim Hutton - 2016-11-08 10:46:50+0000 - Updated: 2016-11-08 10:46:50+0000
A reciprocating structure, analysed in 1695 by John Wallis. Come to our workshop on 27th November to find out more!

A reciprocating structure, analysed in 1695 by John Wallis. Come to our workshop on 27th November to find out more!




A reciprocating structure, analysed in 1695 by John Wallis. Come to our workshop on 27th November to find out more! https://twitter.com/camlovelace https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reciprocal_frame https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wallis

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Tim Hutton - 2016-11-08 18:32:31+0000
Note the 4-fold rotational symmetry in his labelling of the joints. He did this to reduce the computation needed to decide if the structure was stable. This was some of the first work in finite element analysis.

This post was originally on Google+